from The New York Times:
Like proud proprietors of performing arts centers everywhere, Joshua William Gelb is eager to show off his theater. But the tour takes only five seconds, because the theater is a closet.
Still, it’s a privilege to step inside. Since he started doing shows in the 2-foot-by-4-foot-by-8-foot enclosure in March 2020, when the pandemic landed on live entertainment like a lead apron, no one but Gelb has been in it. For that matter, only six people besides himself have set foot in the East Village shotgun apartment where he and the closet live. The first three, last summer, worked with him on a sci-fi-meets-Three Stooges mash-up called “The 7th Voyage of Egon Tichy.” The fourth, five months later, was Jianqiao Lu, who, gloved and N95’d, applied makeup for “I Am Sending You the Sacred Face,” in which Gelb played Mother Teresa in blue eye shadow.
You can see all the work on his YouTube Channel.