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High 5

Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre
hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha
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The year was 2013. I’d just come back from my #1 superstar tour of London, big scarf wrapped around my neck, speaking like I had a mouth full of plums. The development department of TMP had this wonderful idea to encourage supporters to sign up for a monthly recurring donation of $5 and they had an even better idea to film a mockumentary of a day in the life of a choreographer, teaching dancers how to High 5. I had jet lag so they didn’t have to talk me into anything. We just went in the studio and I started talking…egged on by Amy Atkins fighting back her laughter behind the camera and bolstered by some great editing by Kyle Morck.

A Squishy Five

Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre

Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre

Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre

Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre Trey McIntyre


comedy baby


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