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Portraits in Red

Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio
The Beauty! The Beauty! The Beauty! The Beauty! The Beauty! The Beauty! The Beauty! The Beauty! The Beauty! The Beauty! The Beauty!
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The “Portraits” series explores the diversity in human expression. The artwork cycles through interactions of those who have stood before the piece in the past. Each cycle shows a 4-second clip of an interaction, then resolving to a still portrait of that person until the next cycle/portrait begins (the cycle-time is set by the collector).

New portraits/interactions are recorded by stepping up to the artwork where it comes to life with the viewer’s reflection. As the viewer steps away, their interaction replays, settling on their still portrait.


Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio

Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio

Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio

Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio Breakfast Studio


interactive art


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